Saturday, July 9, 2011

Weekend of Fried Chicken

it's suzy reporting live here from our "weekend of fried chicken."  it's been a while since NRB got to posting, so i figured i'd take the lead on this, since food THIS good needs an audience!

after a long day for both of us, we were craving comfort food like WHOA.  specifically fried chicken.  so after some deliberations while riding the wrong bus through hoboken in the rain, we decided to make:

meal 1:  buffalo chicken mac and cheese.

this bad boy was GOOD.  we boiled elbow macaroni while making a rue of skim milk, butter, a touch of flour, shredded extra "SHAHHHP" orange cheddar cheese, and regular white cheddar cheese.  once the rue was bubbly and yummy-looking, we added the drained elbow macaroni and stirred it in until it was evenly coated.

we sliced up chicken tenders in a store bought buffalo sauce and marinated them for about 15 minutes.  once the pasta and rue were combined, we stirred in the marinated buffalo chicken.

we poured the gooey delicious combo in a pan, topped with more cheddar, bread crumbs, and crumbled bleu cheese (but only on half.. nicole had a "bad experience" regarding bleu cheese while studying abroad.  apparently it is too soon to joke about this.)  we popped the whole thing in the oven, baked for 25 minutes at 250, and voila!

woke up this morning hungry as all hell and moved on to:

meal 2:  chicken and waffles.

nicole was originally concerned about the sweetness of this dish because she was craving savory, but HOT DAMN this was delicious.

we took store bought, Eggo-Homestyle waffles and toasted one for each person.  we then took the leftover fried chicken and sliced it up, once again.  we grated the rest of the EXTRA SHAHHHPPP (sorry, i had to) cheddar and topped these babies off.  finally, we added a sunny side up egg and a serious drizzle of pure vermont syrup.  SO GOOD.

alright, off to walk the brooklyn bridge to burn this shit off... coming soon: post on LUKES LOBSTER ROLLS! nom.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Robertta's Pizza- The "Beesting" Slice

Hey yaaa'll (apparently im southern now lol)
I have been SOO busy lately!! You have nooo idea how much material, slash fooood pictures, slash reviews I need to post!!!
I want to start with this amazing slice of pizza I had at the Madison Sq. Park Market.
Amanda(fellow food guru) had told me to get the "beesting" slice. Which had: soppressta, mozzarella, chili flakes, and get this. HONEY.
All I have to say is this is one winning combination of flavors and MUST be tried by all. The perfect sweet and savory slice. They are located in Brooklyn. Go now. You will thank me.

Southern Hospitality = Yes please.

It had been raining and kinda cold and Suzy and I were in the mood for some good ole comfort food. So when we saw JT's Southern Hospitality we knew we didnt have to look any further.

I had high/ low expectations(1. because I LOVE JT and feel like he can do no wrong and 2. because well he probably knows more about music/ dancing than he does food).

We started with the fried pickle chips. They were cooked to a perfect golden brown and were served with this yummy ranch sauce for dipping. It was SO GOOD.

Then for the main course we spilt: pulled pork(straight up), collie greens, mac & cheese, creamed spinach and corn bread. It was heaven.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Steppin Out Right!

I recently bought these shoes, and absolutely LOVE them!!! I encourage everyone to go out and buy a pair. Not only are they really cute and comfortable, but TOMs is a great cause to get behind. For every pair of shoes sold, a pair of shoes is donated to a child. Often, in impoverished societies, the greatest predictor of wealth and success is ... shoes! That is because having shoes is a prerequisite for attending school. Thus, without shoes children are unable to get an education, and without education you can't get a job, and without a job you can't get $. See the trend? So go out and support this cause while also indulging yourself in Spring's hottest shoe trend (espadrilles!)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thing to try: Multi-grain dough

One of my most favorite foods is pizza. I know the trend is now wheat everything, and while I fancy myself some good ol' whole wheat, I recently stumbled upon Whole Foods Multi-Grain pizza dough, and can I just say.. UH-MAZ-ING. I made this little beut last night.

Seriously, you should try it the next time you're in there! I think I love the ruggedness of the dough- there are actual seeds and grain bits in it. It's also very filling.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day!

Today, let's all take a moment (or two) to think about the state of the Earth, and how our taking lifestyles have truly affected the Earth's ability to give. While you're thinking, why don't you visit some of these awesome websites that offer great going green ideas that you can implement in the various aspects of your life.

REMEMBER: You don't have to completely change in one day. Start small, and work with manageable changes. These are the kinds of efforts that will last the long haul. Can't buy a green car? That's fine! Start recycling all of those Starbucks cups you consume.

Inhabitat *green housing and architecture*

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Things I'm obsessed with: Breakfast Edition

If you know me, then you know i love breakfast. I love it so much, that I have been known for eating breakfast for dinner, lunch, snack, you get the picture. If you know me, then you also know my love for oatmeal. I love it plan, snazzed up, in smoothies, to bake with, etc.

But what I really love lately is Muesli. It really is the BEST breakfast, tasty but very filling. You won't even need a morning snack with this meal!

What you need:

1 1/3 cup oatmeal (old fashioned best, but quick will do)
2 cups milk* (I use vanilla *soymilk.... honestly JUST DO IT)
1 banana, sliced thinly
1/2 cup raisins (or any other fruit, I have used both blueberries and strawberries, and for this recipe I used blackberries!!)
1/2 cup almonds (or walnuts)
1 tsp cinnamon (I never measure, the most cinnamon the better!!)
1 sour apple, chopped

Mix everything up to the apple together in a plastic tupperware or covered bowl.

[It should look like this, kind of watery. Don't worry- the oatmeal will "cook" in the milk and thicken overnight like magic!]

Refrigerate over night.

[It should look like this in the morning. See how thick it is? And you didn't even cook it!!]

Add chopped apples.
Wake up an enjoy your tasty, healthy breakfast!
